We understand healthcare and appreciate the frustrations of implementing best practices across a healthcare team or organization. We believe it should be easier to share and implement best-practices to take better care of your patients. We’re here to help.
CliniPaths was founded to solve a basic problem we experienced as providers, it is difficult to get staff to consistently follow current best practices. We had dusty SOP binders, team huddles, in-services, printed algorithms, but still no single source of truth that frontline clinicians could access at the point-of-care. Other industries have robust process and task management systems, so "why not for healthcare?"
We built a HIPAA-compliant process management system for clinical teams. The system bridges the gap between clinical and administrative workflows, to optimize care delivery. We have implemented pathways from cleaning checklists up to assessing complex venous ulcers. We firmly believe that process improvements across the healthcare continuum will ultimately lead to less provider burnout, lower costs and better patient care.
We are passionate about patient care and laser-focused on enabling clinicians to perform at their best, every time. Our approach empowers caregivers and engages interprofessional teams.
Just-in-time learning to drive behavioral change and build confidence.
Breakdown information silos to share best practices across teams and hospitals.
Reduce variation in care at the point-of-care for better patient outcomes.
Plastic surgeon, +7 yr medical director management consultant in healthcare life sciences, affiliate professor tissue regeneration, +40 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, AAWC Committee Chair
Expertise with billing, coding and reimbursement specific to hyperbaric medicine and wound care services. Principal partner of Midwest Hyperbaric LLC, a hyperbaric and wound consultative service.
UHMS - Safety Director and Facility Accreditation Surveyor Board of Directors, Finance Committee, Associates Council and Scientific Committee. Principal partner of Midwest Hyperbaric LLC
20+ years of experience in healthcare and information technology covering product development, product launch, and software development. Holds BS in Physics from Cornell, and MBA from Wharton.
"It was crazy, we had crash carts with printed algorithms and care instructions lining the hallways. It was a small leap of logic to understand these algorithms should be online, interactive and shareable." - Founder
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